Sheyan's Nemesis

Even though Sheyan escaped the lighting-fast javelin in time, the branches at the end of the wooden javelin still left some deep, bloody scratches on his chest and abdomen. If the scratches had gone any deeper, the front of his body would have been torn open.

Not only that, Sheyan did not feel any pain at all from the wounds, only an itch. He looked down and saw that a layer of green mold and some mycelium had grown over the wounds on his chest and abdomen. The moss was rapidly spreading into his body.

Fortunately, the black tendril of the 'Stairway of the Sun' immediately slithered over to swiftly clean up the serious infection on Sheyan's wounds.

After the javelin shot into the ground, it immediately took root, quickly sprouted, and then turned into a small Ent about a meter high. He instantly chased after Sheyan once he appeared. The Ent had the stature of a midget but had a very fierce appearance. His arms were covered with blue thorns.