The Mastermind Behind the Scenes

Aziz calmly remarked:

"I'm not too concerned with this damn Bug. When the regular army arrives with the tanks and flamethrowers, we will have no problem advancing. The problem is the damn Galaxy is still with the Bug. If we can't find it, the Earth will be destroyed."

Sheyan naturally wasn't worried about that since he held the Galaxy in his hands. The others didn't know that. It was small wonder that they're concerned. However, Sheyan had no intention of divulging his secret. He contemplated for a bit and said:

"I'm guessing that the damn Arquillians are just bluffing. Besides, the MIB must have some ways of dealing with that. More importantly, we would never have obtained this information in the first place if we didn't have a close relationship with the MIB. If the planet is really destroyed, won't all the contractors die without even knowing the cause?"

Aziz nodded slightly. He sat down holding his rifle and stopped talking, maintaining his usual indifferent demeanor.