The Crazy T-1000

Facing the fierce chop, Sheyan did not hesitate to raise his hands and cross them in front of him to intercept the blow the air. Of course, the blocking ability of the 'Planetary-Grade High-Energy Mechanical Power Gloves' after they had been strengthened was a great help.

The sparks from the impact illuminated the T-1000's face. Sheyan originally thought the Terminator would have a deadpan expression as Terminators usually did, but contrary to his expectation, the T-1000's face was contorted into a snarl. There was even a crazed bloodlust in his eyes!

That shook Sheyan. He was now sure that his previous deduction was correct -- these powerful Terminators were indeed injected with emotions of hatred.

Although Sheyan managed to block in time, the T-1000's cleaver still tore through his skin. Blood came pouring down like rain. A powerful impact with a terrible paralyzing electric shock forced Sheyan to stagger back by five or six steps. His hair stood erect from the shock.