The Leader of the Test Subjects

The deformed bone axes were still connected by tendons to The Madman, so they could be quickly retrieved and assembled back into the arms. The first time The Madman threw the bone axes, it was very abrupt, catching Ronnie off guard and dealing him a heavy hit. However, not only did Ronnie manage to dodge the second throw, he also managed to sever the tendon connecting the bone axe to the arm.

Victory was already decided after that.

So far, The Fool and The Madman had both lost against the people on Sheyan's side, but the odd thing was, none of the remaining 20 odd humans showed any signs of panicking. They just looked over with cold gazes.

When Sheyan saw this, he immediately understood that there must be more than three Ten Strongest test subjects among them. There were probably close to ten of them, but those three should be the strongest among the test subjects.