
So, after chasing down two unlucky fellows, would the mothership and sub-ship of the Predators still be able to catch up to the other four?

Everyone knew that it was probably impossible.

The technological gap between the two sides was not that great, and they were "only" 2.7 million kilometers away from the Kitty Hawk base - 2.7 million kilometers was really nothing in terms of intergalactic travel. A Porsche Cayenne was no doubt much faster than a Honda 125cc motorcycle, but if the Porsche Cayenne had to drive a few kilometers in the opposite direction first before it was allowed to chase after the 125cc motorcycle, and the travel distance was limited to only 10 kilometers, even the Porsche Cayenne would find it impossible. After all, a Honda 125cc motorcycle was not a horse carriage; both sides were in the same era technology-wise.