No Bug No Life

(TL: Bug as in the bug in a game.)

The Arbitrator had spent a long time fighting against this enemy and had even gone through a round of life-and-death battle against him, so he thought he had a pretty deep understanding of the enemy. He never expected that the man, whose speed was clearly his shortcoming, could display such a strong burst of mobility!

The first outburst of the A-virus on the immune system of the Predator was also the most violent and destructive. The Arbitrator felt an agonising pain in his chest. His vision turned black and he lost control over his body. Therefore, despite his anxiousness over Sheyan's action, he could not react in time.

Sheyan obviously expected this. He no longer needed to hide anything by now. With a flip of his wrist, the lethal weapon that was '+13 West' appeared in his grasp. He immediately hacked at the Arbitrator's lower body! Since the Predator excelled in speed, Sheyan naturally had to impair his movement!