He....Who Was Devoured

There's no need to waste words on the process of Sheyan's military rank promotion. It's about the same every time.

But the same process does not always yield the same result. For example, this time, Sheyan had neglected one thing.

One very important thing.

And that was the existence of the rank wall.

The so-called rank wall refers to the gap between each qualitative leap in rank.

For example, a Corporal promoting to a Sergeant is a promotion within the Petty Officer grade, so it is no big deal. But a Sergeant promoting to a Second Lieutenant, though still one level of promotion, is a promotion from a Petty Officer to a Company Officer. This is the so-called rank wall.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_rank )

( Military Rank: Second Lieutenant < First Lieutenant < Captain < Major < Lieutenant Colonel < Colonel < Major General < Lieutenant General < General )

To make this leap in rank, the difficulty is much higher than in previous promotions.