
Sheyan suddenly ran clockwise around the Tanker Bug, taking a few hard stomps from the bug as he did so. However, his sudden change in tactic gave the Tanker Bug a lot of trouble. After spinning around a few times in pursuit of Sheyan, the bug howled in anger and suddenly turned counter clockwise, trying to catch Sheyan off guard.

But Sheyan was long prepared for that; he immediately ran counter-clockwise too. The human body was simply a lot smaller than the Tanker Bug, so Sheyan could shift his direction much easier compared to the bug. The Tanker Bug could only pursue after Sheyan helplessly, as if he was being led by the nose. Less than 40 seconds later, the bug suddenly fell to the ground. It spasmed continuously with its feet facing the sky, foaming at the mouth, as if it had been electrocuted.

Sheyan laughed and immediately ran away. He had expected this to happen.