Going In

Of course, the Protoss were still the ones who suffered the most serious loss in this wave of destruction. More than half of their forces were reduced to ashes in the explosion. To make matters worse, a small Zerg squad personally led by the Queen of Blades had pierced straight into the back of the remaining Protoss army, turning their formation into a complete mess!

During such a chaotic moment, Sheyan slammed the table in front of him hard, sending all the cutlery on the table jingling. A fork that was covered in grease even flew straight at Ronnie, who was sitting behind him.

Sheyan growled excitedly in a suppressed voice, "That horrifying sense of threat is gone! This is a great opportunity for us; we must charge into the damn base immediately!! ...Why are you guys looking at me like that? Is there anything wrong with what I said? "

Behind Sheyan, Ronnie suddenly said with tears streaking down his face, "Before we lift off, can you pull the fork out of my face first?"
