Bitter Fight

While his opponents were panic stricken, Sheyan was also suffering from great pain, so much so that the muscles on his back were throbbing, almost twisting themselves into a knot. The pain was messing with all the nerves in his body. The most he could do now was to maintain his walking posture; there was no way he could fight.

Because this was the first time Sheyan was using 'Withering Impact', he did not know until he had performed it that the side effect was so crazy. To be honest, he would rather have his base attributes deducted than to undergo the baptism of this pain!

Fortunately, Sheyan had chosen somewhere far away for the landing spot of 'Withering Impact'. If he had decided to maximise the damage and chosen to crash directly into the enemy group instead, the moment of collision would have felt good, but it was virtually impossible to wipe out all the remaining enemies with just that.