Overturning the Home Court Advantage

"Of course, the opponents aren't stupid. They won't just let me escape from here, which means I have to do something to attract their attention first... hmm, from what I remember, that thing should be to my left!"

A series of ideas flashed quickly through Sheyan's mind. He feinted a swing of the sword to ward off a surprise attack by Artemis, then dashed towards a rock platform to the side. His goal was the fake Keystone that had been sealed away!

That's right. Although Sheyan's sight was currently greatly affected, he still had his memory to rely on. He was almost certain that the object the enemies regarded as a priceless treasure would be kept there! He would strike where it hurt the enemies most!

Sheyan did not give two hoots about the crystal bottle protecting the Keystone. After all, in front of Evil Sword Apophis, all protections were merely paper tigers. At most, they were paper tigers made of thick cardboard.