The Three Great Legendary Guns

"What a large hole..."Seeing such a dangerous terrain being formed, even Sheyan could not help but feel powerless.

The enemy's plan was truly an unorthodox one. They had done something that was seemingly impossible. With one move, they strengthened their own advantages and turned the enemy's weakness into possible defeat!

If Sauron's side had 70% confidence of achieving victory before the war started, it was now the other side's turn to have 70% confidence. The table had turned in just half an hour! And this was only the first day of the war!

To put it bluntly, the responses of the Orc commander Gothmog from the beginning to the end were all anticipated by the enemy contestants, and through that, they gave him the most deadly blow.

Gothmog currently had a very difficult decision to make – not whether he should continue attacking the city, because to breach the city today was already unrealistic. The question was, should he save the troops left behind?