Revealing the Final Card

When Aragon died, his flesh and soul were immediately sacrificed to Sauron, leaving behind only his head that had been chopped off to be used as a warning for the enemy troops and storyline characters. After that, even his head was greedily taken away by Sauron.

Although Aragorn had disappeared from this world, he had left behind four pieces of shiny equipment within the Source of Darkness hall. The glow emitted by the equipment was gentle and bright, giving them an exquisite feel.

Only legendary equipment would have this kind of glow!!

Under the influence of Sauron's power of darkness, and because the Source of Darkness hall had severed all external connections, Aragorn had actually left behind all the legendary equipment he had on him!

All four legendary equipment had been converted into equipment suitable for contestants. Skull and his two remaining subordinates looked on enviously, but they had no intention of fighting for them.