
The assassin seemed to be pathetically running for dear life, but because it was his home court, he was able to use plenty of secret skills to escape. If he were to use them in other places, he might even have transported his soul to other dimensions.

The assassin could finally take a breather, but when he looked back, he saw that the savage figure was still relentlessly chasing after him. Furthermore, a third eye had bizarrely appeared on the person's forehead. The eye was staring right at himself. The assassin felt as if even his soul had been locked on by the enemy!


Before he could finish, Sheyan had already pounced on him. The assassin felt as if he was watching a gigantic beast pounce on a prey from a close distance! He already found it hard to breathe before the beast had even reached him. It was no fault of his respiratory system; it was more like all the air had been squeezed out of him due to the immense pressure!