Commander Level Monster

When the six members of the fire hammer squad were searching for a commander level monster and hiding on the rooftop of the blue sky sector's residential hall.... Around 30 km away from the #0201 country level city on the ruined highway was a six-man elite fighter group rushing towards the #0201 country level city.

All six of them had a tiger shaped medal on their left breast pocket of their battle uniform.

This was the famous "Tiger Fang Squad" of Jiang-Nan city. There were six people in the tiger fang squad: two of them used heated weapons, and the other four used cold weapons. Two of the four that used cold weapons were warlord level fighters, and the other two were advanced warrior level fighters! And the two that used heated weapons were also warlord level!

Actually, as long as you have enough talent, experience, and time, it's quite easy to reach the warlord level using heated weapons.

Because they rely on their guns and bullets!