Round Table Conference

Candace's pagoda, study room.

After taking a shower, Candace sat in front of his notebook, which has long received two video chat invitations. Candace took a glance: one invitation was from the Paulinus family's headquarters while another was from his aunt Venina��Paulinus who was currently living in China.

He pressed 'accept' on his aunt's invitation.

"Aunt" smiled Candace as he yelled.

"Candace, my precious, how are you?" said Venina passionately.

Candace and his aunt were quite close. His parents haven't been on good terms with each other ever since he was little, so they soon divorced. Venina was the one who raised Candace...... to Candace, Venina is more of a mother than an aunt. The only reason he has his current power is because of his aunt's guidance.

"Baby, it seems like you aren't doing that well?" said Venina.

"Yeah, kind of" nodded Candace.