Tong Xiaoyun

A dozen militants had already surrounded the 2 buses; under the threat of the militants' firearms, the survivors in the bus had no choice but to exit the bus one by one, with fear written all over their faces.

Amongst the 70+ survivors that disembarked, the 30+ students were part of them as well. All of them looked at the militants with their guns and their faces were filled with fear and panic.

"This time, our harvest isn't bad at all!" One of the militants looked at the survivors, as if he were gazing at a flock of sheep.

"Yeah! This time, there are a lot of quality goods!" Another militant swept a look over the survivors and his eyes brightened as he pulled out Wang Ni from the crowd. He laughed before saying to the rest, "I shall have my fun first, I will let you guys have a turn later."