Choosing Sides

At this moment, what Gu Manzi and Tong Xiaoyun were feeling for Yue Zhong could not be considered as love. They wanted to possess him, purely for the sake of living a better life in this cruel, post-apocalyptic world. Love was considered a luxury that only the strong possessed the right to enjoy. The weak could only focus on surviving, much less talk about love.

The fact that Yue Zhong could win Zhuo Yatong's heart was purely by chance. As for the relationship between him and the other 2 girls, there was no prior interaction- to suddenly develop feelings for each other would be considered a fantasy.

Under the eyes of the various people present, Yue Zhong walked up directly to Xiong Zheng, holding a .54 Handgun to his head as he coldly said,

"Who are you people? I only want the truth, if you say any lies, I will instantly blow apart your head!"