Joint Forces

Yue Zhong glanced at L�� N��ng and said indifferently,

"Military training! I want you to assign an instructor to train my men on the operations of tanks and mortars. I will give you 3000 tonnes of rations in exchange for a battalion of artillery soldiers to be fully trained by your military instructors.

Yue Zhong had obtained a large amount of advanced weaponry and ammunition from the Mechanized Infantry Brigade Station, so the only thing he was lacking now was soldiers with the technical know-how on operating them.

"That's impossible! Please state another condition!"

L�� N��ng immediately rejected the proposal. The army could not create another strong potential threat to themselves.

"Then I'll take the time to reconsider!"

Yue Zhong then left L�� N��ng behind as he proceeded to charge into the zombie horde slashing this way and that, his Dark Magic Blade slinging blood as he slaughtered the evolved zombies.