Kneel or Die!

"This should be enough!" Cheng Yu stepped forward, and threw a bag in front of Niu Dahui.

Niu Dahui pulled open the bag, only to discover that the bag was filled with white rice, and even had about 10 jin worth! His eyes revealed a hint of greed, he had just lent out 3 jin of cornmeal and managed to obtain 10 jin of superior white rice. This time he had really struck it rich! It must be made clear that white rice was much more valuable than cornmeal.

The survivors looked at the white rice inside the bag, and their eyes all lit up. 10 jin of white rice, was enough for these starved survivors to kill for.

Niu Dahui's eyes shook, as he spoke out fiercely, "No way! I lent you cornmeal! I want back cornmeal! If you don't take out 6 jin of cornmeal right now, hand me your sister!!"

The 4 burly men behind Niu Dahui stood up to pressurize Zhang He.