Go Die! Scum!

"Scum! He really deserves death!!" Yue Zhong eyed the scene in front of him, as he gritted his teeth and spat out the foul taste in his mouth.

"What a bastard!!"

"He needs to die!!"

Zhang Yulan and Tong Xiaoyun could not help but curse loudly. Especially Zhang Yulan who thought that just earlier, she almost became part of this group in front of her and her heart felt cold.

4 young girls of roughly 11 or 12 were enclosed inside a cage, with collars around their necks. The height of the cage made it so that the girls could only squat inside the cage, and their bodies had scars all over, their faces numb and frozen, causing those who saw their plight to feel immense pity.

Yue Zhong released the 4 of them upon which they crawled out on all fours. They immediately headed towards Yue Zhong and lowered their heads to lick his shoes.