The Supremely Tyrannical Yue Zhong!

The Special Forces, as well as the 7 snipers under Luo Tianyi aimed at Yue Zhong and fired the first chance they got.

Right as they aimed at Yue Zhong, he had already sensed the danger, and dashed to the right swiftly.

The 7 bullets missed him and hit the ground, creating 7 small holes.

On the other side, Bai He led 8 other snipers and they fired at the same time.

Following the 2nd round of gunshots, the Special Forces and 4 snipers under Luo Tianyi had their brains blasted into pieces.

When Yue Zhong was forced to evade, 2 Agility-based Enhancers could not stand waiting behind cover and immediately charged out while hoisting their .05 submachine guns as they fired wildly at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong just stood there like some Demon Lord incarnate, as the bullets bounced right off his Bone Armor. He opened his right hand, and 5 incredibly sharp spikes shot outwards, and with a little force the 2 Agility-based Enhancers were immediately sliced in 5 pieces.