Tragic Victory

Yue Zhong's feet shifted and his body flashed, dodging towards the side.

Yue Zhong had just stepped to the side, when the sniper with the Sniper Specialization Skill fired another shot.

An armor-piercing round immediately shot towards Yue Zhong's body, shooting through his waist, and smashing a piece of bone armor.

Sniping a moving target from afar was a really hard feat to accomplish. Prior to the apocalypse, the sniper was already a top sniper. Coupled with the Sniper Specialization Skill, and even allocating a skill point to it, it allowed his sniping skills to reach unprecedented heights. He could efficiently utilize an ultra-long range sniper rifle with his dynamic skills.

The other 2 snipers also fired at Yue Zhong continuously. It was fortunate that they could not achieve the type of overpowered firing that their comrade was exhibiting. As their bullets landed on Yue Zhong's sides, it gave him a sort of pressure. At the same time it also limited his movement space.