Devil Flame Destruction

Yue Zhong had activated his Shadow Steps Skill at the first moment, and his speed instantly exploded out. He ran, charging straight through the soldiers of the Second Battalion like a gust of wind. The large scale heavy ammunitions could only hit his shadow.

At the same time, Yue Zhong's Danger Perception was utilized efficiently in the hail of bullets. Amongst the dense barrage, even Yue Zhong would find it hard to completely evade every single bullet. He chose to dodge the ones that posed the most threat, while allowing the weaker rifle bullets to hit his body and bounce away.

As the commander of the Second Battalion had his head blasted, Su Dongming's Second Battalion was thrown into chaos. Those heavy weapons that posed the most danger to Yue Zhong were not utilized properly. This allowed Yue Zhong to directly pass through the defence of the Second Battalion.