Mutant Black Fishes

"Bring me there." Yue Zhong frowned, and immediately let Zhang He lead the way.

The rest of the ladies present quickly followed behind.

Soon, Yue Zhong's party came to the outskirts of Xinglong Street.

Only to discover that Xinglong Street was packed with countless survivors, over a hundred of Yue Zhong's subordinates were currently pointing their guns at the survivors, being cautious of any survivors that might incite an uproar.

"Boss Yue is here!!"

"Boss Yue!! Please, hire me!!"

"Boss Yue!! I'm begging you, hire me!!"

"I can dig as well!! I was in the civil engineering business prior to the apocalypse! Please hire me!!"

Upon seeing Yue Zhong's arrival, those survivors immediately cheered, and started to kneel and beg to be hired.

These survivors were not here to create trouble, instead, they just wanted to make a living with Yue Zhong. They were leading hard lives, and were willing to do anything just to have a decent meal.