
"You're too slow!!" Yue Zhong's eyes flashed with a hint of cold fury, as the Devil Flame danced in his right hand. He condensed into another Devil Flame Spear, and he used all his strength to throw it at the escaping helicopter! In a flash, the spear penetrated the helicopter.

With a huge HONG sound, the Devil Flame combusted and caused the remaining helicopter to explode in a ball of fire as well, before crashing towards the ground.

"Too strong!!"

"What strength!!"


The troops that were standing beside Yue Zhong, be it female or male, had eyes filled with endless respect. Yue Zhong had used his own strength to take down 2 assault helicopters, which they couldn't believe was a feat that could be accomplished by a human.

"Damn bastard!! He has already caught up!!" Yue Zhong had no joy on his face even though he destroyed the 2 assault helicopters.