Genuine Ability!

Yue Zhong activated his [Shadow Steps], his body flashing out of sight. As he dodged the freshly incoming bullets, he zigzagged, evading the numerous Earth Spikes on the ground. Expertly multitasking, the blade in his hand danced simultaneously, and slashed at the oncoming Ranger arrow.


The destruction of the arrow caused a tremendous repulsive force to explode outwards, sending him 6 - 7 metres back from the point of impact. Thankfully at the same time, the huge bone arrow was also destroyed by him.

Since Yue Zhong was in the air when the flame spear had flown out in attack, it hit him just as he landed. The blazing spear keenly pierced Yue Zhong in the upper right part of his abdomen, before combusting, and engulfing Yue Zhong entirely in flames.

This explodable flame spear was the true killing move of this small Wolf Fang Battalion team. No one could withstand the flames that could burn everything.