Hot Blooded Heroes!

Under Xu Yang's fierce threat, all the survivors became obedient, following the orders and moving in an orderly fashion towards the other side. The speed soon picked up.

However, as the rain was cold and relentless, many of the survivors who had not eaten the Type 2 Meat, continent to fall amidst the downpour and never stood up again.

At this time, no one could afford to pay attention to those fallen survivors. Xu Yang could only continue distributing the Type 2 Meat with the aide of his subordinates, hoping for the meat to help the miserable survivors.

Guo Quan looked at the proceedings anxiously, the time was too short. 2 hours were simply not enough to move everybody across. He would check his watch from time to time, while racking his brain for a solution.

Guo Quan suddenly beckoned a Company Officer called Xu Mo and asked: "Xu Mo!! Did you guys find any boats around here?"

Xu Mo reported back: "Battalion Commander, I've brought men to search. There aren't any."