Capturing Long Hai City! Yue Zhong’s gains!

Facing the S3's whose movement speed surpassed his own, Yue Zhong's eyes gleamed as he activated a skill. White Bones materialized out of thin air and immediately transformed into an orb of light which morphed into his Bone Encompassing Armor.

Yue Zhong then activated his Devil Flame with another thought, an extra expense of 50 points of Spirit and 20 points of Stamina was used to condense it into a flaming sword.

The moment the Devil Flame Sword appeared in his hands, his killing intent was unleashed! In the next instant his body was struck viciously by 3 of the S3's, slashed by their piercing claws.

Under the attack of the S3's, Yue Zhong's Bone Encompassing Armor that was impervious to even heavy ammunition was scored furiously, leaving 3 deep claw marks.