Fan Tongxuan!

Huniu Shishan's eyes lit up: "Then we can trade with him!! Since he entered the supermarket, he must have a good haul! We can take some items to exchange with him!!"

One of the Vietnamese, Huan Yuanji frowned: "Since he already possesses the whole supermarket, what can we trade with him? Sweet potatoes? Wild vegetables? Or tree bark?"

These Vietnamese survivors were at their wits' end, otherwise they would not have risked their lives to come and make an attempt on this supermarket. They would naturally not have any items worth trading for.

Fan Tongxuan pondered deeply, before saying: "Women!! We can use women to exchange food with him!! Ruan Minghou, go call your sister over. Ai Luode, bring your daughter over as well."


Both Ruan Minghou and Ai Luode both turned around silently, as they crouched and entered the forest, leaving the place.