Type 3 Mutant Beast Hide

"You have gained an enhancement of +8 in Vitality!" When the hot energy flow within Yue Zhong's body dispersed, the notification resounded in Yue Zhong's mind.

"Only +8 Vitality? The Type 2 Mutant Beast blood essence is truly losing its effectiveness for me!" Yue Zhong thought silently when he heard it.

The Type 2 Mutant Giant Crocodile was obviously stronger than many other Type 2 Mutant Beasts, however, its blood essence had only allowed Yue Zhong to gain 8 points in Vitality. It was clear that the constant dosage of blood essences was losing its effectiveness for Yue Zhong, and if he continued at his current rate of consumption, it was most likely that it would have no effect soon.

"Are you alright Yue Zhong?" Shu Tianya came to his side quickly, her face full of concern.