Wuyan Hong’s Fury!

3 battalions consisted of almost 1,500 soldiers. At the same time, amongst those 3 battalions, there were the 5th and 7th Battalions which possessed decent fighting strength. They were soldiers that Wuyan Hong had painstakingly trained up amongst the 14 battalions under his command. Since these 3 battalions were decimated, it was like Wuyan Hong had received a deep knife wound, of course it infuriated him.

Wuyan Hong frowned and stared at Song Weiyun and asked in a low voice: "Type 2 Mutant Beast? What kind of person can control a Type 2 Mutant Beast?"

Wuyan Hong frequently honed himself within the forests, and naturally knew of the ferocity of the Type 2 Mutant Beasts. It was the first time that he heard of an Enhancer who could control a Type 2 Mutant Beast.

"We do not know the name of that Enhancer who could control the Type 2 Mutant Beast. However, we have his photograph here." Song Weiyun quickly pulled out a photograph where Yue Zhong's appearance was distinctly captured.