Guilin City

While the intense screaming continued to ring out, Zhao Jia was feasted on as he died. As he breathed his dying gurgle, the S2 tore chunks of meat from his face, neck and everywhere else within easy reach. It was truly a gory scene.

The S2 then turned its attention towards the scent of the humans, charging towards the dozens of people as well as Scarface. Its speed brought it towards them in just a few breaths, but it was tripped by the trap made of ropes.

2 strong males brought out nooses, and with a fluid and practised motion, they managed to restrain its arms, before pulling on other side, causing the arms of the S2 to be spread.

"Die!!" The scar-faced man bellowed angrily, his Tang Replica Sword slashing at the S2, as his huge strength burst out, and he chopped the head of the S2 off easily.

Looking at the rolling head of the S2, the men present heaved a sigh of relief. If the S2 had gotten too close to them, they would have instantly been killed.