Ou Ming

Yue Zhong eyed Ou Ming and replied: "I'm Yue Zhong!"

Ou Ming directly pulled out a box and handed it to Yue Zhong with a look of indifference: "Since you're here! That idiot Linghu Xiangru must have been done in by you. This entire Long An County must be under your control already as well. I might as well rely on you! This is the product of my research: Ou Ming Evolving Liquid Ver 1. After taking it, it can help any Enhancer over Level 30 with a Type 1 Skill to evolve it into a Type 2 Skill. If a normal person lesser than Level 30 were to use this liquid, there's a chance of awakening a Level 3 Skill, and the possibility of permanently enhancing a random attribute by 10 points. This liquid can only be used by a person once, subsequent dosages will have no effect. There are 3 vials over here, treat it as my pledge of allegiance!"

Yue Zhong opened up the box and took a look, in it, there were 3 vials that were exactly the same as the vials he got from Linghu Xiangru.