Mountain Range

t was as though they caught the scent of humans, because there was a rustling of the grass, before Mutant Rats the size of pigs came charging out of the forest, making a mad rush for the group of Enhancers.

"Level 18 Mutant Beast: Mutant Mountain Rats! They possess sharp teeth and formidable strength, which can bite through even steel!" The moment Yue Zhong saw those Mutant Mountain Rats, the information about them popped up.

When they saw the incoming horde of Mutant Mountain Rats, many Enhancers charged forwards with their weapons drawn. These were one of the weaker groups of Mutant Beasts residing in the range, and was perfect for low-level Enhancers.

"Xin Jiarou, go kill that!!" Yue Zhong pointed to one of the Mutant Mountain Rats that has charged over with the intention to maul them, as he threw a Dark Magic Blade to her.