Continuous Level Up!

Ever since Yue Zhong had subdued Lightning, he had developed a bond with Lightning, and when that howl had sounded, he could feel the fear rising from Lightning.

Yue Zhong's heart immediately fell, and could guess the true nature of the beast: "That was definitely at least a Type 3 Mutant Beast!!"

The 4 Great Triads had at first intended to bring men to clear up the smaller Mutant Beasts, before slowly hunting the Type 3 Mutant Beast. However, they did not expect the Type 3 Mutant Beast they thought was their prey to make a move first! This Mutant beast was obviously smart enough to control the large portion of the Mutant Hordes in the mountain range to launch an assault, planning even, by sending the Type 2's to battle, causing almost the entire town of humans to be killed.

A small poisonous snake suddenly emerged from a dark corner, darting towards Yue Zhong's legs.