Bringing Down The House!

"Wait a moment!" Right at this moment, the manager of the casino came running forward, his face full of perspiration, and he brought a few security guards with him.

"What! Is your place not going to pay up after losing?" Yue Zhong glanced at the manager and his security guards, barking out coldly while smirking.

"Fuck! This daddy had lost over a tonne of ration tickets! I've just started to make back my loss and you guys don't want to pay?"

"I didn't say anything when I was losing, now that your casino is losing you want to ignore us?"


The various gamblers around Yue Zhong started to curse out loud, and the entire casino became tense.

Yue Zhong hugged Ning Yuxin close to him with one arm as he observed the events unfolding while smiling coldly. There was no need for him to act, and these gamblers who had just chanced on a windfall would automatically band together to make a ruckus.