Level 5 Skill Divine Speed!

*Ulamog: please note that henceforth the Type 2 Skills will be Second Order Skills

If Yue Zhong was to just toss his precious Snake Birth Fruit Juice that could easily Evolve a person outside, it would cause a mayhem. Such an important resource was used up, and now, Yue Zhong was about to gain nothing from its expenditure, his anger naturally hit the roof.

Mu Xiangling cried out shrilly, as she ignored the incredibly sharp bone blade, while staring fixedly at Yue Zhong and pleaded: "No!! Don't harm my mum!! Yue Zhong-gege! Don't hurt my mum!! I didn't renege on the promise!! I'm not going back on my word!! I will be your doll, just please!! Don't hurt my mum!!"