Type 3 Lightning!

After swallowing the large amount of Type 2 Mutant Beasts' nuclei as well as the 2 Type 3 Mutant Beasts' nuclei, it finally triggered an evolution, causing Lightning to evolve into a Type 3 Mutant Beast as well.

Currently, Lightning was almost an entire size larger than its previous form, and it had 40 times the speed of a normal human. The moment it unleashed its full speed, it would cause a sonic boom from breaking the sound barrier.

In just a matter of 4 seconds, Lightning had crossed the distance of 1,000 metres, and charged into the midst of the Greater China Alliance's troops with a resounding boom. Its claws slashed about, and numerous soldiers would find their heads swiped away, causing fresh blood to fountain upwards and splatter everywhere.

"Powerful!!" Yue Zhong observed Lightning as it broke past the sound barrier and unleashed its devastating damage. This was the might of a Type 3 Agility-type Mutant Beast. It was simply astonishing!!