Gaining Guillin City

Yue Zhong immediately saw through Murong He's meaning and said: "Good!! Then I shall first confer upon you the rank of a Lieutenant, is that fine? Your brothers will still be yours to command!"

Murong He's expression was one of joy: "Thank you Leader! I'm willing to die for Leader!!"

Yue Zhong then turned to the envoy sent by Chen Yu, saying: "What did Chen Yu sent you for?"

The envoy immediately replied: "My name is Luo Yang He! Leader Yue Zhong! As long as you promise us some conditions, we from the 4th Battalion are willing to submit to your command."

Yue Zhong's eyes flashed with an icy glint, yet his expression did not change as he replied indifferently: "Fine! Speak!"

Luo Yang He spewed out the 3 conditions at one go: "1st: You can't dissolve our team! Second: The affairs of the 4th Battalion would be handled by ourselves. Third: We want to have the right to decline any orders that go against the interest of the people of Guilin City or betray the country."