Conflict At The Restaurant!

The Mutant Beasts corpses laying by the riverbank would naturally be handled by Yue Zhong's subordinates.

Yue Zhong held Mu Xiang Ling's hands as they came to the city centre of Guilin City.

They discovered that currently, there were all sorts of vendors and people walking about and browsing, the bustling activity a close shadow of the pre-apocalyptic glory.

Although there had been incidents of riots and instability, there were still many people in Guilin City. So while there were deaths, it was not heavy enough to impact the energy level within Guilin City.

Yue Zhong observed the flourishing scene and felt a sense of pride, this huge city of about 900,000 survivors now belonged to him. In this apocalyptic world, humans were the most precious treasure, with about 900,000 people, he possessed a decent amount of fighting resources.

All of a sudden, a rumbling sound came from beside Yue Zhong, as Mu Xiang Ling lowered head in embarrassment, saying: "I'm hungry!!"