Chai Zi Cang submits

At this time, Zheng Ming He was in charge of the defence on the exterior of the granary. When he saw the huge crowd of humans, he trembled inwardly as his back broke out in cold perspiration, and he suddenly felt a huge sense of pressure.

This was a crowd of a few hundred thousand people, and they were gathered right here. It seemed that any small thing could set them off.

The moment they erupted, it would definitely become a scene of carnage, and the granary was likely going to be destroyed.

"I am Zheng Ming He, an Elder of the Green Stone Triad." Zheng Ming He looked at the huge crowd as he gritted his teeth to declare loudly. "We did not kill Regiment Commander Du Shan Xiong! All of you had better leave now, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite!!"

"Dogshit!! He's threatening us!!"

"Everyone, don't fear!! We have a few tens of thousands of us here!! He won't dare to touch us!!"

"Bash that bastard in!!"