

Zito's words were a blatant threat. If Chen Sheng Yong wasn't willing to submit, then their 1st and 2nd Battalion will immediately launch a simultaneous assault to rip the Eagle King's forces out by the roots.

Chen Sheng Yong had kept 3 battalions back at his establishments, but of those 3, only one could be considered an elite force. The rest were new recruits, and held melee weapons. They were simply not a match for the soldiers from the Kingdom of God, who were well-equipped.

Chen Sheng Yong's face turned ashen, as he clenched his fists tightly. The fury in his heart was surging, and he badly wanted to pummel the guy in front of him right now. If he joined the Kingdom of God, his establishment would still be swallowed up by them anyway. These foreigners were not trustworthy people.

Chen Sheng Yong mulled for a long while, before replying softly: "Fine, I'll do it!"