Continuous Harvest!


The Type 3 Shadow-Grey Mouse struggled frantically, its sharp claws slashing without caring at the silk that constricted it.

The Type 3 Mutant Flower-Poison Spider continued to spit its white spit and silk at the Type 3 Shadow-Grey Mouse, restricting its movements every few seconds.

The Type 3 Shadow-Grey Mouse struggled against its bonds for a whole 5 minutes before slumping weakly due to the toxin taking effect.

As the 2 Type 3 Mutant Beasts were engaged in battle, Yue Zhong had noiselessly retrieved his Falcon Sniper and aimed it at the Type 3 Mutant Spider. Waiting until the spider least expected, he broke the silence by firing a single shot.

Following the loud sound of a gunshot, a single armor-piercing round blasted through the eye of the Type 3 Mutant Flower-Poison Spider, causing a huge bloody hole, as green blood oozed out on the ground, corroding the earth.