

Yue Zhong's speed was indeed fearsome, and in a mere 2 seconds, he had reached Wu Ji. He casually swung his blade, and sliced a Vietnamese soldier blocking the way in Twain.

As Yue Zhong had evaded the blast, only a minor force from the shockwave had affected the defences of the Bronze Spiritual Bell. It did greatly wear down the defences, but failed to injure Yue Zhong in the slightest.

If it wasn't for the protection of the Bronze Spiritual Bell, Yue Zhong would have suffered greatly from that blast.

Wu Ji saw his subordinate being chopped in two, and his legs instantly gave way as he grovelled on the ground, begging: "I'm the 14th Battalion's Commander Wu Ji of the Great Vietnam Empire Army!! I surrender!! Please spare my life!!"