Divine Envoy of Steel!

Zhu Xiong Ba shouted as he tried to run: "Fucking kill her!! Open fire!! Open fire!! Use the rockets!! Blast this bitch!!"

By now, he had no more thoughts of trying to capture Shangguan Bing Xue alive, he just wanted to kill her.

2 squads of soldiers suddenly appeared, as they began firing wildly at her. Another few soldiers wielded some rocket launchers, aiming at her before firing.

"Wall of Ice!" Shangguan Bing Xue looked at the incoming projectiles and bullets, and her cold expression shook slightly. With a thought of her mind, a terrifying frosty aura congealed into a huge wall in front of her.

When the rockets landed on the wall of ice, they blasted it apart, and even impacted Shangguan Bing Xue behind the wall.

"Is she dead?" Zhu Xiong Ba's subordinates looked towards the aftermath of the blast.

"Ice Bullets!" Following a high, cold voice, thousands of ice beads shot outwards in various directions.