Vietnamese Princess


If it were in Gui Ning City, the common benchmark was a 100 sets of equipment for 10,000 tonnes of rations.

After negotiations had ended, Yao Li Hua heaved another sigh of relief, although his heart was bitter.

This time, Yao Li Hua knew he had suffered the short end of the stick. It was partly because Mu Xiang Ling was truly devious, as well as the VPDC's urgent need of the 10,000 tonnes of rations.

Without the 10,000 tonnes of rations, the survivors under the VPDC would definitely not be able to survive the winter. Because of this, Yao Li Hua could only allow Mu Xiang Ling to take advantage bit by bit in the negotiations, until she reached his threshold.

Yao Li Hua then turned to Yue Zhong and introduced the 2 ladies with him: "Leader Yue Zhong, this is our Vietnam 1st Princess Ruan Lan and 2nd Princess Ruan Ju. Our VPDC hopes that you will be willing to take them in as wives."