Terrifying Hailstorm!


"I surrender!!" The baldy did not hesitate to scream out his choice, as he knew he had no way of standing up against these fearsome experts. He still wanted to live.

The moment the baldy surrendered, the rest of the militants began to throw their weapons down. They were already collapsing from the rate at which Bai Xiao Sheng had almost eliminated them.

Yue Zhong eyed those militants as they were marched out of the forest towards them, before he turned to look at the middle-aged man coldly.

Being looked at by that piercing gaze, the middle-aged survivor began to shake uncontrollably, as he kowtowed: "Sir!! Sir!! Please!! I was forced!! I was forced by them!! Please spare my dog life!! Please!!"

Chen Yao eyed the middle-aged survivor and spoke coldly: "Tell me your background!"

"Yes!!" The middle-aged man kowtowed profusely before he proceeded to explain.