
Yue Zhong pulled out his huge Black Tooth Blade and pointed it at those Japanese survivors. He barked out coldly: "All of you shall kneel! Those who don't, I'll slice your head off!"

"You dare hit me!! I'll kill you!!" The freckled fatty instantly charged over with a face contorted by fury.

"No!!" Fujisaki Kaori immediately screamed out.

Yue Zhong's eyes flashed coldly, and the Black Tooth Blade sliced through the air like a beam of light.

The head of the freckled fatty soared through the air as fresh blood splattered. Her headless corpse struggled a little before slumping to the ground.

After killing the freckled fatty, Yue Zhong's eyes turned even colder as he pointed at all the Japanese survivors and shouted out with a menacing and oppressive tone: "Get the fuck on the ground! Otherwise you'll die!"

When they saw Yue Zhong killing the girl without hesitating, everyone stared in shock and fear, as though they had just seen a demon.


"Sorry!! Forgive our offence!!"