
Kyoko, Kaori and the remaining kids were all shocked when they witnessed this. This sort of technique exceeded what was possible, and they were truly shaken.

Kyoko's eyes were filled with veneration: "Too terrifying! His technique had exceeded human limitations. Even a sword saint would not be able to block that blow. He's as terrifying as a demon!"

"AH!" Kuwata Yutaro was afraid, but he was known around these parts as a fierce thug after all. He forcefully suppressed his fear by shouting out loudly, charging at Yue Zhong with a fearsome killing intent.

"What a fast blade!" Kyoko was the chairman of the kendo club back in school, and knew about kendo. She could see that the move of Kuwata Yutaro was not simple, and if it was her facing him, she would definitely not be able to defend against this strike, furthermore, it was backed by his strength of a Level 23 Enhancer.